Mark has over 40 years of experience in software development and IT consulting.
Currently he is the owner of Mark Dahmke Photography, specializing in cMarch 2014 - Present
April 2016 - December 2020
June 2014 - August 2017
September 2015 – January 2020
I assisted during the transition period after we sold the business to
January 1995 – September 2015
October 1985 – January 2000
January 1983 – June 1996
October 1979 – January, 1995
1989 – 1991
Circuit Cellar INK was a spin-off from Steve Ciarcia’s popular “Circuit Cellar” column in BYTE Magazine. I worked on several projects for Steve, including writing documenation for his IBM-PC clone motherboard and while simultaneously writing my book “The BYTE Guide to CP/M-86.”
November 1981 - February 1983
October 1979 – January 1987
University of Nebraska Computing Network
Engineering Intern, Nebraska Public Power District
Greater Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair (1976-present)
Government Access and Information Committee, City of Lincoln (2000-2002)
Member, Advisory Board, Hyde Memorial Observatory (2014-present)
The Prairie Astronomy Club: Fifty Years of Amateur Astronomy
Lulu, March, 2010
Website Administrator’s Survival Guide
Jerry Ablan and Scott Yanoff, et al
Sams, March 1996
Using Concurrent PC DOS
Byte Books, McGraw-Hill, January 1986
The BYTE Guide to CP/M-86
Byte Books, McGraw-Hill, January 1984
Microcomputer Operating Systems
BYTE Books, McGraw-Hill · Jan 1, 1982
Partial List of Published Articles
The Osborne I
BYTE Magazine, June 1982
Product review.
The Compaq Computer
BYTE Magazine, January 1983
Product review and compatibility testing of the first IBM clone.
Tracking Soviet Television Satellites
Circuit Cellar INK Magazine, August 1989
VSAM and Virtual Memory for Micros
BYTE, November, 1977
Speech Synthesizer as a Communications Device
Nebraska Blueprint, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April, 1979
Simulated View of the Galaxy
BYTE Magazine, April, 1979
A Voice for Bill
onComputing, Winter, 1979
Introduction to Multiprogramming
BYTE Magazine, September 1979
Introduction to Multiprocessing
Bits and Pieces Volume 4: Programming Techniques, BYTE Books, 1979
The Heath H-89 Computer
BYTE, August 1980
Microangelo Video Display
BYTE, (Hardware review), November, 1980
Computer Speech: an update
BYTE, February, 1981
BYTE, (Software review) May, 1981
The Mauro Proac Plotter
BYTE, October 1981
Altos ACS8000, a single-board computer
BYTE, November, 1980
Seventh Annual Siggraph Conference
BYTE, November, 1980, Dahmke, Mark, and Livingston, Kenneth.
Electronic Mail, The Paperless Society Is Still Far In The Future
Popular Computing, July, 1982
Scion Color System
Byte (Hardware review), July, 1982
Guest Editorial “Let There Be Talking People Too”
BYTE Magazine, September 1982
Let Your Fingers Do The Talking
Popular Computing, October, 1982
Home Services on The Source and Compuserve
Popular Computing, August, 1982
Electronic Mail
Popular Computing, July, 1982
Dial-up Games
Popular Computing, June, 1982
Popular Computing, May, 1982
Local Networks Save Money, Increase Reliability
Popular Computing, April, 1982
Telecomputing (co-authored with Stan Miastkowski)
Popular Computing, December, 1981
The CP/M Operating System: What It Is, Why It’s Important, And How To Decide If You Should Use It
Popular Computing, November, 1982, Dahmke, et al.
CP/M Plus
BYTE, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1983
The CP/M Operating System
Popular Computing, February, 1983
The Compaq Plus
BYTE, July 1984
IBM Compatibility Issues
BYTE, Special Issue, Fall 1985
An Ideal Video Peripheral
BYTE , July 1984
Using Assembly Routines in MS-FORTRAN programs
Byte, October, 1986
Papers / Speeches
What I Didn’t See
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, March, 2023
How to View the Northern Lights and a Trip to Svalbard
You Tube Video
There’s More Than One Way to Scan a Cat
Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop, April, 2014
An Island Unto Itself
A History of Hana, Maui
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2014
Episode I
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, September, 2005
Is it Live or is it Memorex, Part III
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, May, 2001
Is it Live or is it Memorex, Part II
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, February, 1996
Is it Live or is it Memorex, Part I
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, October, 1991
Does Anybody Really Know What Time it is?
Torch Club, Lincoln, Nebraska, April, 1987
The Bionic Voice
Vocal Communication Aid Conference, Berkeley, California, May, 1980
A Vocal Communication Aid Based on the Computalker Speech Synthesizer
National Computer Conference, Anaheim, California, May, 1980
Other References
“The Expanding World of Bill Rush,” LIFE Magazine, January, 1980, Fadiman, Anne.
“Future Trends in Personal Computing,” BYTE, April, 1981, Morgan,
“Journey Out of Silence,” Media Publishing, 1986, Rush, William, ISBN
“Journey Out of Silence,” Second Edition, 2008, Rush, William, ISBN
“Minspeak History,” Baker, Bruce
Synergist, 1980
Attended University of Nebraska -Lincoln, 1976-1980
Attended Platte Technical Community College, 1974-1976
David City High School, David City, Nebraska, Class of 1975
First Place in Engineering, International Science and Engineering Fair, 1975
Top of Fair, Greater Nebraska Science and Engineering Fair, 1975